Top Five Outsourcing Issues

Hiring an external call center provider can make even the most seasoned executive a little nervous. In reality, there are many reasons to be concerned.  You are contracting with an outside company to speak directly with your customers on a daily basis.  That is a big deal!  However, hiring the “right” call center agency can easily put these concerns to rest. Here are the Top 5 Outsourcing Issues of our typical clients:

Rogue Agencies

If every call center in the world was a stable, professional agency, we would be out of business. Worldwide Call Centers is in business precisely because there are numerous “rogue” or poor quality agencies in existence today. Our clients utilize our knowledge of the industry and our direct experience with call centers in the Worldwide Network to minimize their risk and maximize their odds of success. There are many great call centers out there – Let us show you the way!

Too Expensive

Call center outsourcing isn’t “cheap”.  However, cost reduction is often the driving force behind the decision to hire an external agency.  We analyze your needs and then help to find a balance between the quality and the desire for low costs.  Worldwide Call Centers is ideally suited to recommend the most cost effective domestic and international call centers for your application!

Loss of Control

“Control” of the call center operation is always a concern when outsourcing is considered. However, our professional agencies offer a wide array of features to provide the control that our clients demand. These features include remote monitoring, remote training, onsite training, digital recording, & comprehensive reporting services. Thus, whether the call center is half-way across the state or half-way around the world, our clients will never lose control of their call center operations.

Language Barrier

Many clients are concerned about the presence of strong accents when considering a call center agency located outside of their immediate geographical area (whether that is in “Memphis” or “Manila”). Professional Call Centers typically employ “Accent Neutralization” techniques that train their agents to speak with the desired accent – whether that is: American (South), American (General), British, Australian, etc. In most cases, this allows your outsourcing activity to go virtually unnoticed by your customers.  That is the real goal of outsourcing!

Outsourcing Stigma

Over the past few years, the media has attempted to make “Outsourcing” into a four letter word. However, we believe that outsourcing is not only good for our clients – but it is good for the global economy. International and domestic outsourcing is basically work that is being performed by the most effective labor source available (whether that is in Omaha or Bangalore). Recent technological innovations have allowed for a much more efficient utilization of labor.   This efficiency will enrich all of us in the long run.  We don’t run away from the “Outsourcing” term – we embrace It!

Ready to discuss all of the outsourcing advantages and disadvantages?  Our senior consultants are available to assist in analyzing your situation, discuss the best options, and introduce you to great call centers in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia & Latin America.

Worldwide Call Centers is Your Source for the Best Global Call Centers in Customer Service, Tech Support, Telemarketing, Lead Generation, Market Research, Sales, & more.  For a FREE consultation or to request more information, contact us today!

Advantages of Outsourcing | Outsourcing Issues | Disadvantages of Outsourcing 

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